Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sunrise Meditation

It was a crisp morning as I watched the sun rise. The trees in my yard are growing side by side, each reaching for the sun yet giving each other space to grow even though they are so close. I focused on the growth, feeling the roots going deep into the earth, seeking water. I imagine they are intertwined at spots, but branching out to either side so as to share the nourishment. I thought about the connectedness of everyone on earth, sharing the same source. I felt the life surging into my roots from the earth beneath me. I was grounded and connected.
I let the nourishment surge through me as I reached to the sun. The trees leave room for each other as they grow towards the light. I thought about this and felt the love that allows the other to grow in a different direction, side by side, sharing the same light. The love that sees that there is enough water and light for both and does not need to compete.
I felt peace as I waited for the light to soak in, as I drank the water from my roots, watched the leaves unfurl and the buds start to form.
Peace and patience is what I feel today.


  1. Alli this is such a beautiful and insightful meditation. I believe the trees have a lot to teach us. :)

  2. What a great way to meditate, by finding inspiration in the things that surround you.

  3. I think trees are what inspire me to meditate more than anything else. I love the way they reach down to the ground and up to the sky at the same time. Thank you so much!
